9 Things a 9 Year Old Says

Much of the Reliquarian delves into different areas of science, mysticism, spirituality, from many different places and practices.  In a bit of irony I happen to not be terribly strong in math, but I am fascinated with numbers, and have always had an affinity for...

Forlorn in the Forest of Essence

  It doesn't surprise many when I list Alice in Wonderland as my favorite childhood disney movie.  I was particularly in love with the concept of the flowers having personalities, and the idea of rocking horse flies, and bread and butterflies.  It stems mostly from the logophile in...

A Love Letter of Sorts To Someone I Have Yet to Meet

Dear Mackenzie, Each year I write you a note on your birthday, something sentimental about how you are growing, and not to do so too quickly, about the girl you are, and the woman you are becoming.  Lately we both have been looking at the images...

Nourish Retreats – A New Way To Feed the Soul – Las Vegas 3/7-9/2016

Nourish Retreat Las Vegas

The Impermanent Fragmentation of the One Becoming Two

We began this journey with me inviting a team of my favorite creatives, artists, and beautiful minds to share in a birthday celebration and hear about this ridiculous idea I had.  Since then it has seemed this project is a series of ridiculous and outlandish...

The Turning of Pages

The idea for the Reliquarian began 2 years ago, seeded from a conversation between Cadence and I, it spent the next year rolling around in my thoughts, gaining little pieces of inspiration and traction; at the time I thought it would be just an image...