Pick Your Poison

Sweetie knows that I deal in tough love, and decided to give me some back recently she hopped up on the chair and reminded me of my own advice: “You make it happen or your make excuses… get to shooting.” When I was a teenager doing...

Higher Learning

Floating Tables, Antique 18th Century Candle Sticks, Sugary Sweet Decadence, Custom Gowns, Red Velvet Cake Shoes, and Magic Tea!...

Across the Threshold

Unexpected surgery, a new nephew, an early homecoming, a library in a castle, teaching, finding motivation, and reshooting the first failures....


One of my greatest gifts in becoming a photographer has been the collection of friends I now have that are such immensely good hearts, and incredible talents.  It has inspired me professionally and artistically, and has created some of the most important photographs and videos...

Sound Cloud

You can embed Soundcloud or upload Self-hosted audio files with Post Format: Audio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Porro fuga expedita veritatis ut repudiandae veniam neque consequatur, cum nobis aliquid dolores deserunt perferendis similique eaque architecto temporibus assumenda, rem, a!Praesent nibh massa,...